Soooo....drum roll. I finished 11 out of my 14 proposed UFOs.
Here's the update:
1. Red, Grey, Black Quilt from bee blocks. Sadly, I decided to hand quilt this one and got pretty much nowhere. It will end up back on the list for next quarter. It IS basted though.
2. First quilt using Skill Builder Blocks. DONE. Not my best quilting, but it's being used as a throw around the house right now.

3. Vintage-y quilt #1 (from pattern testing for Bijou Lovely). DONE. I gifted this one to a co-worker who is having her first child, a little girl. She cried. I can't wait to meet her daughter who is due by September.

4. Vintage-y quilt #2. DONE. This one will be gifted to a charity. I just haven't decided if it will head to Project Linus or go to the quilt drive for the wildfires in CO.

5. Sew. Happy Quilt. DONE. I did actually handquilt this one. It is currently in the closet because the dog is sleeping on the bed and was getting it dirty too fast for my liking.

6. Postage Stamp quilt. No progress actually made on this one.
7. The Lawn Chair Quilt #1, aka jellyroll quilt. I started this a while ago from a Moda tutorial using Happy Zombie's Lawn Chair quilt pattern. DONE. It's going to be a picnic quilt for the Pirate's car.

8. The Lawn Chair Quilt #2. see above. The Pattern yields two quilts. DONE. I'm not sure if I'm keeping this one or donating it to CO.

9. The boxy bag for Trollop. It was done AROUND her birthday but I'm gifting it to her in person (with goodies stuffed inside) when I see her in person in August.

10. Cosmic Burst QAL/Precious QAL. I cut up some of my hoarded Parisville for this QAL. DONE. I finished this one and LURVE it. No one gets to use it but me (not that the rest of the house is fighting me for it.)

11. My random Farmer's Wife blocks. DONE. I made my three measly blocks into a cute table runner.

12. Prayer Flag quilt. DONE. It must have been missing a bag of blocks somewhere because it came out as a throw rather than the ginormous quilt I made for my mom. This one was initially tagged by The Pirate for his picnic quilt but will instead be donated somewhere.

13. The Pirate's last shopping bag. DONE. He's using it today to go shopping at the Farmer's Market.

14. Stained Quilt. I *still* don't know how to quilt this one, and I'm terrified of ruining it. I really really really love this one. Any advice would be welcome.
So.....11 out of 14. Not bad. Next quarter's list is going to be probably at least as long and I won't have all summer to finish it. Plus the Sewing Summit is adding to my To Do List. Did I mention I'm taking Rachel's Hand stitching Class or that I joined 2 QALs and a throwdown?
Thank you, Rhonda, for helping me keep the house in somewhat of a state of order rather than piles upon piles of projects.