Frankly, I'm trying to get my crafting fix in before school starts again.
I made progress today.

It still needs borders and I have to piece the back still.
Pirate's family's quilt:

I have to slice up and rearrange the blocks. Pirate must supervise this, maybe tomorrow.
I played around with bits:

On tap for tomorrow:
picking out mucked up bits of quilting on Pirate's quilt
Skill Builder block
Test driving Bee block for The New Bees
Cutting up border for quilt top above (and maybe pieces for the back)
I think I'm going to make my Make Mine Modern object (or at least one of them) over the weekend. I've had a kind of quiet partner. This was stressing me out until my quilt buddy told me today that all that means is that I get to choose...and do what I think is fun/pretty.
I hope she'll like it.