1. HST Project Linus quilt

2. Sewing Summit Mini

3. Tula skirt

4. Halloween Spider Web quilt

5. Red/Purple quilt

6. Hexy MF

7. Mom's quilt

8. Converging Corners

9. String Block quilt

10. Scrappy Trip along

11. Wonky Star quilt

12. Retro Rubies (from the QAL, but I pooped out with wedding projects instead)

13. Pillow cases (which were supposed to be a homecoming gift to the hubs, but never got done)

14. Figure out what to do with this orphan block.

Other ongoing projects:
Sisters Ten BOM
Skillbuilder from Pile of Fabric (uh, yeah...I have bits for some of the blocks cut, but nothing is put together)
Marcelle Medallion quilt (fabric chosen)
Tula block QAL
I'm feeling like I've lost my sew-jo. I haven't even set up my machine since I've been back. And, I've been back a week and a half. (UNHEARD OF!) The fact that we're on a low sugar/no carb diet isn't helping so much. I wanted to stab someone for a bagel with nutella today. On the up side, I lost 3 lbs already.
Linking up!