I'm almost finished on my big item for the For The Love of Solids swap:

The little item is inside it already.
I have a giant to do list still.
I had a weird incident Friday. I'm calling my doc on Mon to schedule a physical.
I don't know if it was a panic attack, a blood sugar issue, or what.
I had to take the car in for a tail light. By the time I got to the mechanic, I was shaking so hard that I was looking for a place to pull over anyway. My feet swelled, and my heart was racing. It was weird. I wasn't afraid, so much as I was worried I'd be in an accident. I'm not a chicken driver. Heck, I've driven cross country twice by myself. I eventually stopped and took a very long slow drive home, where I promptly crashed into sleep hard. It felt like adrenaline and a crash. I had eaten lunch...nothing to which I have an allergy. No fever.
The weird thing is that the person I teach with had a similar incident two years ago. They never figured out what caused hers. Blarg. I really don't like needles.