So, here's my list, with pics. My reality is that I probably won't get much more than the baby quilts done, as I'm supposed to prepping for a wedding this quarter!
1. Must Dash quilt. (It's sewn, just needs to be basted, quilted, and bound.) (This is also my April Year of Lovely Finishes goal.)

2. Star block bag. (I cut out the pieces last quarter it's just sitting there.)

3. Orbit quilt. I have one row sewn together and all the pieces (I hope) cut out. It's coming with me to the Stash Bash.

4. HST Project Linus quilt

5. Bag #1

6. Bag #2

7. Bag #3

8. Bag #4

9. Bag #5

10. Bag #6

11. Bag #7

12. Bag #8

13. Bag #9

14. Bag #10

15. Bag #11

16. Bag #12

17. Sewing Summit Mini

18. Tula skirt

19. Halloween Spider Web (still missing some blocks)

20. Red and purple quilt (still waiting for more blocks to come in)

21. Heal, March quilt (going to piece this at the Stash Bash)

22. Hexy MF still trucking on this one, slowly, slowly

23. Mom's GIANT quilt

24. Converging Corners quilt

25. Bridesmaid Clutch #1 (can't show fabric til it's done)

26. Bridesmaid Clutch #2 (can't show fabric til it's done)

27. Best Woman Clutch (can't show fabric til it's done)

28. Infinity Scarf (on tap for Stash Bash)

29. String blocks quilt (I know I did one, but they just keep COMING.)

30. Scrappy Trip

31. Wonky Star baby quilt

32. Secret 80s swap hoop
33. Pouch for Stash Bash (currently in pieces on my coffee table)
Whew. That's a lot. I also got caught up on my Sisters 10 Modern BOM.

And, I got 4 out of 5 blocks done for the 4x5: One is missing. I can't get the link to load. LAME.