We opted to sleep in instead. Since I'm still fighting the ick, I didn't argue.
I had trouble getting focused today.
So, my list didn't get done.
I did finish as much of the hand quilting as I'm going to do on the How Far Will You Go quilt. (Seriously, I could keep quilting it forever.)


I also got the binding machine sewed on the Postage Stamp quilt. No pics of that. It will get done this week sometime.
Pinbasted the scrap vomit. That thing was a BEAST to pin baste.

I should have taken pictures of the back which is this gaudy pink and chartreuse Hawaiian shirt material. It's so hideous that I love it. Plus, it was like $12 for all six yards. The Pirate said it would be a lovely picnic quilt. Which I think was his way of saying it's busy!
I still have to finish my long overdue Running With Scissors block....but it's going to have to wait til tomorrow, since my attention was crap today.
Because Jess co-sponsored the lovely QAL that the top quilt was from, I wanted to repost an appeal she made:
In the last week, we have had some major bush fires in Tasmania, and over 200 homes have been destroyed or severely damaged. I'm organising a quilt appeal to donate quilts to the kids who've been affected by the fires.
All the pertinent information is in this blog post: http://theelvengarden.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/tassie-bush-fire-quilt-appeal.html
If you could spread the word I would really, really appreciate it.
In addition to this, The Handmade Library is hosting an auction of handmade items. If you would like to donate something or publicise this, it would be greatly appreciated. THe Facebook group can be found here:http://www.facebook.com/groups/412433122165832/
If any of you want to help or bid, please check it out!