I did finish my November ALYOF goal, my scrappy postage stamp quilt.
Not only did I finish the one I planned on getting done in November, I finished two!

I also completed:
my NY Beauty bag

Heal circle quilt

Pouch for Bama

Pouch for Trollop

Pouch for G

Pouch for mom (still need to take pic)
Pouch for Karen

Secret gift (pic coming once it's mailed)
Secret gift #2 (ditto)
Heal Circle blocks for Nov.

Space quilt (OMG the drama, one of the stars had bleeding...washed it 4 times with like a dozen color catchers and the star is almost white now) I love the quilting on this one! I'll try to take better pics in the morning light. Thank you, Katy, for the rocket block!

the back:

I washed the wonky star as well! No drama on that one. It's going to it's home on Monday at a baby shower!

Pic of my Octo pillow cover:

I'm plugging away on my Penny Sampler. I anchor quilted it on the machine and am hand quilting the rest. I'm also pattern testing and trying to make 2 more quilts for Christmas!

Also trying to finish one more Meridian and the sidekick bag for me for Xmas.
Total so far on my FAL list: 22/32