I sort felt like I was running in circles.
I did get most of the charms for the swap sorted. I'm still waiting on three bunches to add. If that happens early in the week, I'll mail them out by Friday.
I pulled fabrics for mom's quilt but haven't cut into them yet.
I worked on pouches today instead.
I danced with a lovely group of ladies in a restaurant last weekend.
It was a tango fusion piece inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
I still have one more to make...I missed someone's colors...
which is kind of a YAY! as I get to keep my favorite of the 4.
Tuesday may be the last time I see them in a while.
(We're also in a class together but class will end tomorrow for the holidays.)
Here's the pouchie goodness. (In case one of the ladies is reading, I'm not posting who is getting which one...)