I had a blast, but it wasn't my most productive retreat. I don't know if I was fighting an ick or just really overloaded with allergies, but my brain was fuzzy. As a result, I was using the seam ripper as often as I was actually sewing.
I did, however, finish my Oct goal for ALYOF.

I'm am idiot...because it really didn't occur to me that my mini partner actually reads my blog...and she does.
So, I apologize, dear Katie, for kind of blowing the surprise factor.
I still have to finish my own Molly Market tote, but I finished the one I made for Katie. I used the last of Star Wars stash. (Which ended up being restocked by my mini Stash Bash partner.)
I wanted a bag that was useful and fun. I hope I succeeded!
My sew jo has gone AWOL post mini bash. I blame the announcement of a beloved house guest arriving in a coupe of weeks. I've abandoned sewing for cleaning. Just unearthing the guest bed alone has been an endeavor. I'll probably keep the Nov ALYOF goal small as a result.
Other things I worked on at (or slightly before) the mini Stash Bash:

updating my done list from FAL...