I finished my goal for March!
Honestly, I couldn't be more glad that it's done.
This one was really hard to finish. I didn't love making it.
This one has sat incomplete for a LONG LONG time.
In fact, I think I only have one other UFO that is this old.

But it's done. Forgive the crummy indoor pics. (I have been writing all day and working on hand quilting.) I have to find a home for this guy. This summer is going to involve some quilt clearing. I'm not sure if I'll try to sell some locally, but my husband is getting tired of my stacks, I think.
I'm still not 100% from bronchitis and a sinus infection side lining me about a week ago. I'm slowing getting back into sewing. Odds are good my FAL list of completes is going to be smaller than I planned...which hasn't stopped me from starting a few new projects. I put together this top.
It's my second one for Melissa's Starlight Starbright Quilt Along. This one will be made into a top for a teacher friend who is retiring this year. My value balance isn't perfect, but it will work. It's going to be living on a boat!

I'm a huge fan of Botanics and Architextures. So much fun playing with these.