It's been kind of sucko. Since Halloween, I've been to the dentist 3 times, had a filling repaired, had the height altered, then been told I just had to wait.
Um, yeah. So the week of the filling at the wrong height triggered a crapload of TMJ/muscular issues. I just got to the chiro 2 weeks later. I will be icing for a while. I went to a new dentist on Thurs, as I thought it was ridiculous that the first dentist never checked an Xray and hadn't gotten the height right on two fillings in a row. (This time is was so far off, even the assistant commented on it.)
Can I just say that I HATE going to the dentist in Atlanta? I love love love the office I went to growing up, so much so that I book my cleanings for when I'm visiting my parents. I trusted him enough to repair a significant filling issue the week of my wedding....and I had forgotten I'd gotten a filling less than 24 hours after it had happened. *ponders trying to import him*
I'm rather anxious about teeth and this is making my anxiety issues flare. So. not. helping.
So, I haven't gotten much sewing done since Sat. Almost none in fact. To be fair, I got a crapload of sewing done on Sat when I had a lovely day with Al from AThousandNeedles.

Update: Saw new dentist on Thurs. LOVED him. Filling was *still* not at the right height, but he doesn't think I need a root canal. I may have a sinus infection.
I have sewn bits of my Penny Sampler, but I still have to redo a block, do the diamond strip, and the two Dala horses.
Right now, my priorities are the Space quilt for a baby coming in a week or so, the Heal quilt, and the two postage stamp quilts. If I can get those cleared off the deck, I'll have a lot of space cleared for other finishing my Penny Sampler and some Christmas presents that need to be posted.
I *finally* have an Octo pillow case of my very own! Lots of pictures, hopefully of finishes, coming soon.