Somehow, I hurt my back. I could blame Zumba, but the last time I went was Wed.
I had planned on working on my Dead Simple. I got the thread I wanted, but I wasn't sure I was up to wrangling with a fair amount of weight.
So, instead, I worked on my 241 bags.
Two done!

I'm happy to have the orange one. I had some winter blah this weekend, after the parents left.
I'll be bringing the happy, shiny to class with me tomorrow.
I have one more Skill Builder done, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
The plan for tomorrow, post dance class:
finish the 3 Sew. Happy. Quilt blocks I will need to be caught up
Quilt the Dead Simple
I can't get to the red, grey, and black until one more bee block comes.
Chipping away at the UFO list. It's so wrong that I started another project and I have a plan for a Tangerine mini.