I got up at the usual work time to sew.
I want to give a quilt to my dance partner of at least 7 years.
She's facing surgery Tues for lung cancer. I know she's going to need lots of sleep, so I wanted something lovely for her to snuggle with...and for her to feel loved every time she wakes up.
I started Wed (and probably would have stayed up all night but I was worried I wouldn't wake up Friday for messing with my sleep cycle).
This took me most of the day Thurs.

It's so beautiful. The more I work with them, the more I love batiks.

It reminds me of images of space.
I decided that since I was handsewing already, I might as well keep going.
I bound and finished my girl version of the Across the Sea QAL.
It's going to a colleague (with my same legal name) who is having her very first baby.
I think she's picked a wonderful name (the same of one of my best friend's daughter...who I adore).

Although my quilting wasn't perfect, I love the crinkly goodness.
I think I have fabric picked for my Pretty Little Pouch fabric.

I have a plan. I want to see if she likes any of them more than others first.
I wish I had another full day of sewing available...
Still left to do (will be attacked in this order):
1. Japanese scrap bag challenge finish
2. finish 100 quilts for kids quilt
3. Pincushion
4. Pouch
5. Bee blocks
6. Hoopla