This will look awfully familiar, since last quarter was pitiful, by my standards.
I'm raising the bar this time. I want to get at least a dozen done.
I'm a bad example. I have pictures missing...but, I can't win anything. Do as I say, not as I do...
Sewing Goals
1. Violet Craft's Lion quilt (SLOWLY hand GLACIER paced)

2. Tula sampler block quilt, top done

3. Tote bags. (My plan is to make these as the year progresses so I have a stack of go to presents handy.)
4. Garden Gate (partially quilted) I hate the first part I did and am trying to decide if I really just wanted a mix of hand and machine quilting rather than ripping out the first part of what I did.

5. Round robin Improv. The top has been done for A LONG time. I'm just not feeling like my quilting skills are up to doing this one justice.

6. Milky Way Sampler, top is pin-basted. Thinking of hand quilting it.

7. Lindon Top
8. Funnel neck top
9. You are Enough quilt. Top is now done.

10. Lucky Spool Quilt (top done)

11. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 1, top is now basted
12. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 2, top is now basted
13. Tula Sampler, V.2 Cotton and Steel

14. Small World. I REALLY want to finish this one this year.

15. Sushi Washi

16. Octopus top

17. Cross Quilt improv. top is now finished

18. Patchwork City quilt (Honestly, it's still in a bin. I've gotten frustrated with it every time I've pulled it out.) Feeling meh about this one. Might make the blocks into pouches instead.

19. Lawn tunic

20. Red dress
21. Frida Dress
22. Alabama Chanin-ing my blue dress (sigh, gotta figure out where I stuffed this one)
23. Galaxy dress/washi

24. Wrap sweater

25. Itty Bitty Broken star quilt

26. Tear Drop quilt

27. Dr who shoes (need to resew one and elastic both)

28. Love scrap quilt

29. Tula The Hood quilt (This one was my #quilttheweightoff quilt project)..It, um, stalled, pending some much needed weight loss. I think it's just going to be my scrap buster

30. Aviatrix

31. Green Tea and Sweet Beans (need to do applique borders)

32. Golden Days, Mostly done save one border.

33. Squircle quilt

34. Tulapalooza Jan quilt (wonky stars), pin basted now
35. Tulapalooza Feb quilt (mystery), pin basted now
36. Athena the Octopus quilt

37. Forest Fancy quilt

38. Art student tote

39. Cotton Ball quilt (designed at Sisters)...kind of a secret...hoping to release a pattern
40. Serenity Circle 4x6, quilted...needs to be bound.
41. new knitting pouches
42. Hesperides pillow (started at Sisters)

43. Project Linus quilt

44. Glitter quilt (using the scrap pile)
45. Pool Tote 1 (I cut it out intending it to be a Christmas present and then fizzled)

46. Epic Halloween quilt

47. fairy/butterfly for MIL (it's been sandwiched, waiting to do reverse applique)

48. retirement quilt (on a deadline)
49. Skater dress

50. Fussy Cut Sampler (3 blocks short)
51. Skillbuilder quilt (with FMQ practice)
52. Rosalie Dace word quilt

53. Joe Cunningham improv quilt, basted

54. Cristy Fincher Almond Butter

55. Tulapalooza March quilt (jellyfish)
56. Tulapalooza April quilt (Sweet Tea)
57. Tulapalooza May quilt (mystery)
58. Tulapalooza June quilt (mystery)
59. badass quilt
60. Baker's Dozen quilt
61. Do. Good. Stitches Jewel Box quilt
62. Thread catchers
Realistically, nothing much is going to happen here. I hate knitting when it's hot.
1. manticore socks

2. Scrap blanket

Bucket List for 2019 (NOT INTENDED FOR THIS QUARTER'S FAL LIST, but the ADHD might kick in)
1. Tula Tumbler quilt

2. Sujata Shah's Organized Chaos

3. Sloth quilt

4. Tula Future Garden quilt

5. Steampunk (I have one block cut)

6. Tree quilt

7. Fish quilt

8. Unicorn Quilt

9. Desert Forest critters