Today The Pirate came with me to load in the set in the theatre. Even working non stop, it still took almost 3 hours to attach the faces to the tower frames and wheel the thrones there.
I am still on the hunt for green tights to finish the piranha plant puppet. (*sigh* still not done with that one)
I finished my Madrona Road challenge for the Guild.
I think I like it, but I'm not sure I'll keep it.

I haven't really been doing much other sewing...a bee block.
I'm still behind on a couple of those (which almost NEVER happens).
It's paper piecing, so I need to not have play mind (aka swiss cheese head).
I have a billion projects I want to start, but I really should be finishing things from my UFO list.
Must finishes in Feb from the list are the rainbow quilt, the monster quilt, the superman EPP.
I'm trying to wend my way through at least half or more of my FAL list.
I feel like I'm in slow mo.
Trying to get some exercise back on the regular, since I gained a bunch of the weight I lost back. LAME, I know. I went back to Weightwatchers on Thurs. BACK ON TRACK, Y'ALL! Even though I want to stress eat an entire bag of Reese's.