It went from being a quilt I was uberexcited about to a quilting nightmare in one fell swoop.
I knew it was going to be hard because I was using the tinier Janome to quilt it.
I have to take Foxy in to get checked for the grease issue.
I started quilting it....and the petals that I had spent HOURS ironing on started coming off.
I don't know if it was the humidity or the pulling on the quilt top, but it was ridiculous.
And maddening. I wasn't going for an unfinished edge applique, but I'm not confident it's not going to fray like mad. I am going to try to steam it again before I wash it, but BLARG.
I don't think I'm ever going to use Pellon Wonderunder again. It was odd. I've used Pellon products before and never had trouble before, but this was redonkulous.
Anyway, here it is, prewash:

Please ignore any threads.
I also caught up on some bee blocks:
Neutral and Not

Running with Scissors

I still have to do Nubees, catch up on the Sew Intertwined QAL and How Far will you go QAL, and sew the binding on the Across the Sea boy's quilt....and start handquilting the Medallion.
Yarg. I spent hours today organizing kid folders. I don't know if I have to go into work tomorrow or not. Right now, the dog is all fretty from a thunderstorm.