It was a lovely day. Lots of hugs. Smiles. Questions, questions, and more questions!
They're a chatty bunch.
I didn't sleep well last night. The Pirate stayed up til 1:30am cooking so I'd have lunches this week. I kept waking up and worrying that he wasn't in bed yet. Plus, I (like many of my students probably) had trouble sleeping the night before the first day of school.
Post school, I planned on sewing, but I came home and took a nap with the animals snuggling me on the sofa. (The cocker doesn't usually like smooshing for a lie down on the sofa, but he was smooshed between me and the sofa back.)
I worked on my Swoon mini today. It's just needs binding sewn on. I hand quilted a bit o' perle on it. I have yet to bust into my Medallion hand quilting. I'm going to try to get that going this week.
I finished the Across the Sea boy quilt on my bday. (I just had to handsew the binding on.) It's in the dryer. I'll try to get pics of it tomorrow.
Mostly, I've been working on my Hexy MF. I have one row sewn all together. I have a few flowers left to assemble.

What I need to work on Wed/Thurs:
mailing out charms/scrap vomit squares
Sewing the 12 blocks left for the Sew Intertwined QAL. I think I'm doing the paperpieced ones.
Catching up on the How Far Will You Go paper pieced block BEFORE the new blocks come out.
Sewing my Sailor Mouth swap item. (I have a design in my head.)
Tomorrow, I ZUMBA. So, we'll see how much juice I have left after that and school.