For the 3rd quarter of Rhonda's FAL, I went big. REALLY REALLY big.
I didn't do too shabby. I almost made it through the list, but I stalled out on a couple of projects. (Plus I added a crapload of bees to the mix and prepping for Sewing Summit.)
1. Postage Stamp quilt. NOT DONE.
I made progress. I honestly would have gotten this done today, but I hurt my back last night. Moved wrong and pulled something. Owie. I'm icing and Tiger balming it today, so no plans to pin baste today.

2. Red, Black, and White/Grey quilt. DONE!

3. The Stained Quilt. DONE!

4. The Tree Quilt. DONE!

5. The Pirate's apron. DONE.

6. My Soda Pop quilt. DONE.

7. The Hexy MF quilt. STALLED OUT. I have two rows sewn together. I'm slow at hand sewing and I'm finding maneuvering difficult once the row gets a certain size.

8. The Across the Sea boy quilt. DONE.

9. Hexy Bag. DONE.

10. Snail bag. DONE. (I carry this to work with me every day.)

11. Medallion quilt. FINALLY DONE!

12. Red Wonky stars. DONE.
The Pirate and I are now referring to this as the Hand Turkey quilt. Yes, it looks like one of those turkeys you make out of your hand when you're little.

13. Green and Blue quilt. DONE!

14. Do.Good.Quilt. DONE.

15. Coaster Set. DONE.

16. Dog bed #1. DONE. (The cat has actually claimed this now.)

17. Dog bed #2. DONE. (Dog gets dibs on this one.)

18. Quilt for B. I made some progress on this, but I'm not sure I can give it to the person it was intended for...I was making it for a friend who was going through IVF. It was her last chance and it didn't work. She's now started the adoption process, but I don't feel like I can give this to her right now.

19. Converging Corners quilt. No progress made. I think I know who this is going to. She's due this winter, so it will end up on the next list.

20. Orange and Purple quilt. DONE.

21. Swoon. DONE.

22. Table Runner for R. DONE. I'm delivering this for Thanksgiving.

23. Secret project for Sept. Done! summarize.
19 out of 23 done! Not too shabby. And, um, the final quarter is gonna be BIG as well. I hope.