I spent a chunk of time working on a prototype for a tutorial.
It didn't work out exactly the way I wanted it to on the first run, but I think I have the proportions down now. It will be fat quarter friendly!
This weekend, I got sunburnt at the Inman Park Festival, caught up on a few Psych episodes I never knew I had missed, and got some lovely fabric chosen for the back of my Cosmic Burst/Precious QAL top.
I have yet to piece them.
But...I did finish two more quilts!!
First, the Prayer Flag Charm quilt:

Then the Skill Builder #1:

I've kind of let that project fall by the wayside. I learned a lot. Realized how badly some of these blocks were pieced while I was learning.
So...both of these quilts will become picnic/car quilts. One for me and one for the Pirate. He claimed the Prayer Flag one. Not a huge shock as the obnoxious red/coral is much more me.
The Traveling Stash arrived!

I have to say, it's a rather mixed lot.
There is some Habitat, some Kaffe, some Morrison...There is some country themed Moda. A book or two and some notions. Some vintage fabrics. There is a big piece of Christmas fabric and some seersucker (vintage, I think) that I pondered removing, but they might be someone's bag...so I'm leaving them in. I'd say there is about 2/3 major brand quilt shop quality, and some vintage/Joann's. None of it smells like smoke or anything.
I have taken out the City Weekend. (I needed some to add to my supply for a quilt I have planned.)
I also took some Kaffe and a scrap of Amy Butler. I've added a magazine/booklet, a charm pack, a few fat quarters, and some yardage. It's a full box. I may have to sit on it to tape it shut.
I'll try to take another pic this week with my additions.
So, if you'd like to win, please leave me a comment. (This giveaway is limited to the US.) I'll randomly pick someone by Thursday night to mail out Friday or Saturday!
There are only a few rules.
Be an active blogger. Post about receiving and the giveaway on your blog in a timely manner.
You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.
Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.
Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA.
I'm will try to add in a log and the rules...but, to be honest, the box is pretty darn full. If they don't make it in, I'll email them to the next person to add.