I have, I think, 3 more blocks left to decorate and 6 mini blocks to outline. Then it will be time to sew the binding on, which I haven't made yet.

it's not the best pic, but I was doing an inner outline on the orange star.
I got the first 2 quadrants done on the Precious/Cosmic Burst quilt out of Parisville.

I broke out in hives today...I don't think it had anything to do with almost using up all my pomegranate eyes from the Parisville. I blame the "crack" almonds. The Pirate makes them from time to time, but he used succanat this time. I may be allergic to it. (It's the only thing new I ate in time to link to the hives. Of course, it could be something I touched in the sewing room.
Blarg. I had to Benadryl up for the first time in weeks.
I think the high pollen levels and spending time outside threw me off into reactivity land.
I wish I could get retested for a food panel of allergies, but it is CRAZY expensive because it's not covered by my insurance.
Itchy. Is. Not. Fun.
Also noteworthy from this past weekend.
We took the dog to the Festival on Ponce.
Mmmmm. food trucks.
We went to Selvage. I got some bakelite buckles and vintage buttons...and another model for a bag I'm trying to draft.
Got my test fabrics from The Intrepid Thread....so much loveliness.
There will be a tutorial in the next month...
That's it.