See, 10 years parents were flying to visit family abroad. My brother was flying across country to meet them.
And I was headed out to the camping trip with my kids.
I didn't know what had happened til I got there.
And then I didn't know where any of my family were...or if they were safe.
Thankfully, someone else took over for my class...and another teacher (the one who teaches next door whose daughter I've danced with and loved as she's grown up...the one who is now really good friends with the Pirate) stayed with me until I could get a hold of someone.
That took several hours. And that someone turned out to be my mom.
They were on the tarmac when the planes hit and all the flights got grounded.
But they were all ok.
I didn't get back to home until Friday, when the trip ended. It took me until Saturday to track down all my friends in NYC. (I lived there for several years.)
Anyway, I thought about my family today.
And it seemed like a good day to work on my dad's Xmas present.
So I sewed.
Here's what I've got so far:

It's a disappearing 9 patch (my go-to favorite lap quilt).
He likes reds and purples. The colors make me feel like fall.
It's going to have a black border and back.
(I still have to get some more fabric.)
I'm going to do a mixed batik binding. If I have enough batik left, I'm going to do a strip of blocks (like stacked coins) on the back.