I was, honestly, kind of hoping for more, but I'm counting it as a win because down is the direction my weight is going!
I also got on a clearing of UFO kick. Two more down!
I did the snail bag:

and I did the hexy bag:

I'm kind of in love with both. I can definitely see doing the tree bag for Xmas presents.
I also worked on the tree quilt (no pic) and got the mini top pieced.
Tomorrow is my errand day, so I don't know what I'll get cleared.
My goals for this weekend:
1. Finish the tree quilt.
2. Suck it up and trace the damn petals already. (I've been majorly procrastinating on this one.)
If I don't get this done, I'll be behind in the QAL. (Allegory, you have my permission to kick my butt if I don't.)
3. Baste the Stained quilt. It's got to be done. I'm tired of it lurking.
4. Figure out the layout for the fiance's quilt.
5. Zumba at least once.
6. Finish basting the hexies for Hexy MF.
Also, meet my new machine! His name is Renardo, "The Fox." I will undoubtedly end up with a bevy of nicknames for him, including Ren, Renny, Foxy, and, perhaps my favorite, Zorro.

Since I didn't pick any of the names offered me, I'll come up with some price anyway and Mr. Random will pick one of the suggesters' names.