It was this:

It's still in the box. I have two chores that have to be done tomorrow before I am allowed to open it.
It needs a name. I think it's a he. (Most of my mechanical objects are male, including my car.)
Any suggestions? Whoever gives me the name I like best may get (hint hint) something nice from me.
The machine was my reward for finishing this:

I couldn't eat the sundae that Rachel said I'd deserve for finishing this. So, I went in *cough* another direction. The shopping process was a bit nerve-wracking. I don't spend big money on anything. Unless it's a new AC unit or something. I was feeling a bit guilty. (Why do we do that, ladies, when we really really want something and even save up money for it?!) Then I sat there and realized that I sew a TON. Sewing (and dance) are my de-stress activities. So, I'm NOT going to let myself feel bad about getting something for me (especially since I've been saving for it for over a year). SO THERE, Guilt Voice!
I still have to trace and cut out petals for my Soda Pop QAL, but I had to take some breaks from hand sewing the jewels on the Medallion above. (Bite me, satin stitch.)
I stayed up til 4am last night and only managed to finish jewel #7.
I have to admit, I love how it came out, even if I wanted to punch whoever created the idea of satin stitch in the stomach after jewel #1. (Not, you, Rachel, I meant whoever in ancient times created it.) The background for my Soda Pop is done. I love it ALOT. I used some of my favorite designers fabrics for it. Some Nightshade by Tula, some Castle Peeps and Hello Pilgrim! by Lizzy House, Nested (WAS SOOO glad to win some from Laurie herself) and Tufted Tweet by Laurie Wisbrun, some AMH, some Wrenly. I'm thinking the addition of the petals will make it all pop more. I, um, just need to cut those. Yeah.
Anyway, I'm loving this quilt HARD.

I've got my scrap bin sorted into colors. (I looked like a walking piece of thread after I did it.)
Tomorrow, I will get through my required chores and bust that box open. In the meantime, any names you want to throw my way will be pondered.