This one is courtesy of Julie over at Distant Pickles.
She put a call out this summer for pattern testers.
Being the endless student that I am I was super excited for a chance to practice sewing curves.
Plus, her pattern looked ubercool. Hey, it's called Mod Pop, so how couldn't it be?!
Luckily, she picked me to test it.
Here is my version:

I did the smallest version because my friends/colleagues just keep on having babies lately. I seriously can't keep up. So the next one born will get this one. (I still have to quilt it and bind it. School set up has been getting in the way.)
The darker khaki bits were chosen to look cool I ran out of the lighter khaki.
The Pirate may or may not be lobbying for a bigger one in other colors.
It was a lot of fun to make. I went with the pin the heck out of it method. I'd be interested in trying the no pin version of curve piecing, but I wanted to go with what I was sure would work.
Julie is awesome-sauce. She's letting me GIVE A COPY OF HER PATTERN AWAY!!!
Oh, my 38th birthday is Sunday. So...I'm going to leave the giveaway open until Sunday night, post bday celebration...which won't be too too late because school starts next week.
Here's how to win: Just leave me a comment. I'd love it if you follow me, but I'm not going to make it a requirement. I promise I usually sew's just that school prep is frankly kicking my ass. (Almost literally. I had to sit on an ice pack because my left hip is crankypants right now, even after the chiro.) Please make sure I have way to contact you if you win.
Oh, and iffen you JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS PATTERN or you don't win, you can purchase it over at Craftsy.
Good luck, y'all! Wish me luck getting my room up to snuff before the newbies come for orientation tomorrow!