Can I please have more hours in the day? I mean, I love my job, but longer days would be awesome....because I refuse to stop napping on occasion...ahem...almost every day.
I've been finishing stuff.
Now finished knitting stuff (It all needs to be blocked. I'm ordering a blocking mat.):
Red collar ( #1) Totally lucked out on this one. Found some other alpaca, not the right weight but it worked doubled.

Mardi Gras scarf (#2) Finished the scarf. Not sure I like the three needle bindoff I used, but it will do.

Earthy Scarf (#3) Ditto. I have a friend this was intended for years ago... She's going to finally get it.

Purpley scarf (#9) It's so gloriously smooshy. I am loving it on cold days.

Fingerless gloves (#10) Frantically finished these when I realized I couldn't find any gloves...and I had work on that incredibly freezing day the other week.

Pinky Scarf (#14) same pattern as the others. Found it and went to town. My hexies have been languishing!

Baby stripes (#16) sewed that puppy together. Not perfect but hopefully a baby will like wearing it. Now, to find a baby in need of a baby sweater....

Done: 7/35
Finished reading stuff:
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
Books finished: 2
Is anyone interested in book reviews? Not that I'm promising amazing ones, but I can give you my 2 cents if you want it.
Finished sewing FAL list items:
None. Not a one. Waiting on some flannel for the backing of the economy block quilt.
Edit: It got here. I got distracted by something shiny I'll hopefully share later this week.
Working on Feathers QAL blocks. Going to try to back it with a fleecey blanket. This will be an experiment. Yes, there are two upside down blocks. So NOT taking it apart to fix them.

Heal circle Jan blocks:

I love me a churn dash.
Classic Meets Modern QAL, Jan blocks, Polar bear paws:

My goals for this coming week and weekend:
Finish the 3 Cyclops caps for the class play. (Bases done, still have to knit eyes and sew them on.)
Work on shiny project.
Baste the Economy block quilt and make binding.
Remove paper from Feather blocks. It's making me twitchy. I spent hours on it tonight and am only half way through.
Baste it.
Sew together the brown sweater. (maybe)
Start pulling fabrics for the 4x5.
Phew. Still need me a time machine. Tardis, mayhaps?