Nothing like a MAHOOSIVE list. That's how I like 'em apparently.
Some are lacking pictures. (Yes, I know, I am setting a bad example by not following the rules on those, but I'm not eligible for prizes, so please forgive the lack of pictures.)
1. Violet Craft's Lion quilt (SLOWLY hand GLACIER paced)

2. Tula sampler block quilt, version 1 (top and back done) Got batting. Need to start.

3. Libs Elliott Embrace the Chaos (top and back done)

4. Garden Gate (partially quilted)

5. Round robin Improv

6. Milky Way Sampler, hosted by Blossom Heart Quilts (top done and recipient chosen)

7. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 1, mini size
8. Summer Solstice quilt (top pieced) This thing is mahoooosive. Back in progress.

9. Urbanologie BOM, hosted by The Intrepid Thread (quilted but not bound)

10. Gnome quilt (quilted but not bound)

11. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 1, throw size
12. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 2, throw size
13. Tula Sampler, V.2 Cotton and Steel

14. Small World

15. Sushi Washi

16. Octopus top

17. Cross Quilt improv

18. Patchwork City quilt

19. Lawn tunic

20. Purple improv (top done...need to quilt this one for delivery in July)

21. HST play (top done)

22. Single Girl quilt

23. Galaxy dress/washi

24. Wrap sweater

25. Itty Bitty Broken star quilt

26. Tear Drop quilt

27. Dr who shoes (need to resew one and elastic both)

28. Love scrap quilt

29. Tula The Hood quilt (This one is my #quilttheweightoff quilt project)..It's, um, stalled, pending some much needed weight loss.

30. Aviatrix

31. Green Tea and Sweet Beans (need to do applique borders)

32. Golden Days (falling a bit behind)
33. Squircle quilt

34. Libs Elliott The Weight of Love quilt (top done)

35. Cactus quilt

36. Athena the Octopus quilt

37. Forest Fancy quilt

38. Art student tote

39. Cotton Ball quilt (designed at Sisters)...kind of a secret...hoping to release a pattern
40. Serenity Circle heart quilt
41. Vinyl zipper pouches

42. Hesperides pillow (started at Sisters)

43. Project Linus quilt

44. Glitter quilt (using the scrap pile)
45. Pool Tote 1 (I cut it out intending it to be a Christmas present and then fizzled)

46. Epic Halloween quilt

47. fairy/butterfly for MIL (it's been sandwiched, waiting to do reverse applique)

48. Triforce Throw

49. Skater dress

50. Fussy Cut Sampler
51. Skillbuilder quilt (with FMQ practice)
52. Rosalie Dace word quilt
53. Joe Cunningham improv quilt
54. Cristy Fincher Almond Butter
55. Mini for Guild swap
56. knitting bags for class
57. gifts for book group leaders
58. badass quilt
59. Smorgasboard quilt (still hand quilting)
60. skirts (repair flamingo and make a new batch)
1. manticore socks

2. Peacock mittens (still on mitten #1)

3. Scrap blanket

4. slip stitch socks

5. Katniss Socks

Bucket List for 2018 (NOT INTENDED FOR THIS QUARTER'S FAL LIST, but the ADHD might kick in)
1. Tula Tumbler quilt

2. Sujata Shah's Organized Chaos

3. Sloth quilt

4. Tula Future Garden quilt

5. Steampunk (I have one block cut)

6. Tree quilt

7. Fish quilt

8. Unicorn Quilt

9. Desert Forest critters

Sigh. I tried to make a dent in some old WIPs. Still have half the summer to do that.
I have plans to make end of July a back to school wardrobe push.
Good luck to all! I'll be cheerleading with the other hosts!