Right now, I'm running on almost empty and my co is out with the flu. Just trying to hold it together one more week. Then I can get sick if I need to. Til then, just keep going...just keep going...
Also, I pulled the muscle in my shoulder. My stressedness isn't making it relax. Can't get to the chiro til Thurs...workouts on hold. Trying not to eat my stress.
Tonight's insanity was sewing a stuffed sheep pillow for Little Bo Peep. I *hope* it's the last thing I have to make. Have to check the list tomorrow.
I have a bajillion things I want to be sewing that I just can't do right now.
I'm thinking of using up scraps to make thank you cards for the post wedding thank yous. If I start now, I have ample time to finish making them.
Anyway, this is just me rambling...sorry for the incoherency.
Back to Feb goals.
For my ONE MUST DO project for the year of lovely finishes, I'm picking the Project Linus Monster quilt. I've got all the bits. (It's a really simple quilt.) It just needs to be basted, quilted, and bound.

(It's farther along than this, I just can't find a pic...or my photo card.)
In terms of the FAL, I've gotten 10 out of my 33 done.
My Feb goal for that one includes: the Monster Quilt, the rainbow skillbuilder quilt, the superhero EPP (soon to be a tooth fairy pillow), and fixing the Pirate's apron (which I really should do before V day). I'm aiming for 20 out of the 33 if I can make it...spoiler, March will include the Malka quilt, the monkey quilt, the 2 skirts, the star block and the hope valley projects. If I can dent the March list this month, twill be glorious, but really...it's not likely. Feb is admissions month, which means I work a 6 day week...and my parents are coming in early March, which is going to mean a MAJOR cleaning must occur...which means the sewing room will be on lockdown, since they'll sleep there...it is a guest room, at least in theory.
Anyway, if you made it this far, bless you....