I was a bit nervous about my choice of creation for Ella. I "stalked" her blog a bit to see what she liked. To my chagrin, I discovered that all of the fun things I make are the type of things she makes. What do you make for someone who can make the same thing with their own preferences in mind?! And then the inspiration happened!
I watch/teach a group of 2-5 year olds for our local MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) group twice a month. A few months ago the moms did a craft and I was gifted with one of the excess projects. They made simple coasters from a regular, white bathroom tile. Although they simply modge podged on a single square of scrapbook paper, I was given a bigger idea.
I purchased six white tiles. I googled traditional quilt blocks, choosing six. I shrunk each of the six blocks down to 4 inches and printed them off. Using these as templates, I traced around the block pieces on colorful scrapbook paper.
With all the pieces cut, I carefully modge podged the blocks together atop each tile. They really went quite quickly once I got started.
It was really neat watching each of the blocks come together!
I was really happy with how each of the quilt block coasters turned out. After the final coat of modge podge was dry, I glued a square of felt to the backside of each tile. Tada!
Here is the last picture I took of them. I was in such a hurry to send them off, that I forgot to take another shot of them once they were completely dry:S Alas!
Hurray for fun projects to pass on to others!
Thanks imaginegnats for running such an amazing swap! Thank you, Alissa, for such a fabulous gift!