I debated for a long time which quilt to post. I've got several favorites by now. I'm going to go with one of my more recent finishes. If you follow me, you've seen this one already, with and without Kraken.
It's been a twofer. Part of the My Precious QAL and the Cosmic Burst QAL. The design is from Julie over at Distant Pickles. I'm definitely going to try my hand at this one again, next time in a bigger version. I cut into some of my hoard of Tula Pink's Parisville. It's one of my favorites. I love how this quilt turned out. I learned how to go beyond my usual straight lines, no zig zagging. I traced the path of the star. It was a bit of a learning curve. (Next time I'll definitely sketch my path before I sit down in front of my machine.)
I love love love this quilt.

I'm behind on a few projects. This weekend has been action packed (graduation, an art auction, dance rehearsals). I'm still plugging away at evaluations and trying to wrap up a swap item and the end of the school year (and a dance show). Frankly, I'm a bit tired and nursing a bit of a cold. So, I apologize for not finishing things to share here. I'll try to remedy that in the next week or so. I've got like 3 things in progress from the UFO list, as well as a bevy of blocks. I've also joined a Pay it Forward via kelsey at kelseysews.
The rules are pretty straight forward.
1. I will make a crafty gift for each of the first three people to comment on this post. This little gift is a surprise, and will arrive to you anytime within the next 365 days.
2. To sign up to pay it forward, you need to commit to pay it forward too! Post this, or something similar on your blog so others can get involved. Be sure to keep the cycle going!
3. I will email you asking for your mailing address so I can get your little treat in the mail. {Please make sure that your email address is visible on your profile or leave it in the comment.}
I tried this once before...and didn't have 3 takers/had a taker who never replied to send me a mailing address. I ended up picking 3 random folk to do nice things for, without holding them to the pay it forward cycle. Let me know if you're game! International folk totally welcome!
Going to also try to get something up for the be Giveaway bloghop tomorrow...but we'll see... Hope you all are having a wondrous weekend.
Oh! I finished my quilt for Jenna's "Play" mini quilt competition. Here it is:

It will get its own post later, as there is a short story that goes with the quilt. (As in a fiction story, not a how I made it story.) I..um..haven't finished writing it.