New Bee Block for Oct.

Neutral and Not Block for Nov.

Chose my block for my upcoming bee month.
(I'm keeping it a surprise, I think.)
Yay! My fabric arrived for the 241 bag. (On my list for tomorrow.)
I already had some fat quarters, but I need 2 bigger pieces for the bag...
(This is a pic from an order from The Intrepid'll have to wait until tomorrow to see which ones I ordered to make the bag out of...oooo, bad grammar.)

Caught up on my Skill Builder (but I'll have it back on my to do list tomorrow when the next block goes up):

I posted my pouch for the Pretty Little Pouch swap, my quilt to Project Linus, and the two bee blocks going abroad.
Still to do:
Hoop for Hoopla (I'm actually scared I might not get this one done in time for the swap. It's taking me WAY longer to cross stitch than I thought....the design was my choice, but it's my second one...the first design was started and then axed.)
Nubee blocks (2)
241 bag
There are still spaces in the Black, White, & Grey swap if anyone is interested.