I planned on:
1. finishing at least one swap item for the For the Love of Solids swap.
didn't...did quilt part of it...and unpicked it 3 times.
2. doing a block for a quilt the school quilting group is doing for an auction.
sewed 3 out of 9 or 10 circles. (It's hand sewing...and circles. I think there's a reason I don't do applique that often.)
3. my block 8 for the skill builder
did it. Unpicked it 3 times. Settled for done.

4. organize stash.
um...sort of. Given the arrival of the box o fabric yesterday on my bday, the stash is a BIT out of control. *cough*
5. Investigate a long arm quilter to send mom's quilt off to.
So far, no decisions. Anyone have someone you love to recommend?
6. Repaint my toes.
Um...didn't even get that done.
*sigh* Slooooooooow today.