Or the bee blocks I need to finish and mail by this weekend.
Instead, I gathered together the scraps (the truly scrappy scraps) from my Stained quilt and made a pillow using the Pleated Box Pillow sew along directions over at Craftbuds.
Oh, but I LOVED making this. Using up scraps...making a pillow to match a quilt.
I'm definitely coming back to this one. I'm thinking of making one with the leftover Lark I'll have once my Sew. Happy. Quilt is officially done.
I love that it's the perfect sized nap pillow...and that I can remove the cover for washing.
That's my biggest complaint about pillows for napping. I have major allergies and dust mites are evil.
Here's a pic:

If you're looking for a pillow pattern, it was easy, and I, at least, loved the results!
Linking up to the Pleated Box Pillow Sew Along!