I'm hoping that maybe Chelsea will pick me and help me out of my rut.

See, I made this quilt MONTHS ago as part of a QAL. (The Stained QAL run by Sarah over at Narcoleptic in a Cupboard.)
It is currently one of my all time favorite tops. (Yes, I can say that, the other one I think may top it isn't actually done yet.) It's sitting in a chair, unfinished.
It was, perhaps, the beginning of my love of fuschia and lime together.

I think it's about 45 by 55 ish. I just don't know how to quilt it, and I'm terrified of ruining it.
I was thinking maybe bubbles in the pinks, following the diagonals in the ironwork, straightlines? I'm open. I really just want something that will ADD to it, not take away from it.
Help me, Chelsea!