I'm hoping I can load in by Sun. Otherwise, I have even less time in the theatre with the set and a cast of 30. Nope. Not panicking. Too tired to panic.
I made these:

Husband thinks I should make and sell cyclops hats.
I also have a wolf hat all done but sewing on the ears.
My snow days have been spent sewing and sleeping. I have some kind of an ick. Feeling like it's a virus, maybe. If the fever comes back, I'll go get checked for strep. My 1/2 nap yesterday turned into 2 hours.
Also, telecommuting hubs means I can't sew in the room with the TV. Which was not all that bad since I had some hand sewing to do.
The Feathers QAL quilt!

This was my Jan ALYOF goal. DONE!!!
O.M.G. one of my all time favorites. I backed it in a fleece blanket. It's so so soft. Kind of med weight but warm. It's even more lovely now that it's been washed, but here's the pre-wash picture.
I need the weather to be nicer to do an official photoshoot.
Luckily, I'll have TWO quilts to shoot. I also finished my Economy block quilt, which my husband is now calling S. Fl Trailer Park. It's kind of awesome. I have discovered a renewed love of leopard. Honestly, it didn't really ever leave. (I'm pretty sure I had a pink and silver leopard print scarf in the 80s.) I really wanted a leopard flannel for the back, but struck out. I used a crazy fuschia tree pattern instead. Photos of that one when it's out of the wash. (Where it is now.) I hand quilted around the first two layers of the block with perle on each block.
I've got a third quilt I need to finish and baste this weekend. It's for a friend going in to surgery next Fri. I'd like to give it to him before he checks in for surgery. Nothing like a deadline. Geesh.
I'm headed to the musical tonight. Time to regroup, but happy to see some of my old favorites on stage again.
Linking up: