Though I'm not sure where I'm trying to land.
I quilted the Across the Sea QAL quilt today. I was going to do echo quilting...and maybe that would have been a better choice. But I decided on straight lines.
I really hate my machine.
I didn't really have much in the way of I can't FMQ on it. As it is, I had a horrible time trying to feed it through the window bit. Clearly even the "lap quilt" is too big for it.
So, my lines aren't always straight...and the fabric bunched and shifted.
But I wanted it done.
and I'm hoping it gets a bit better in the wash as it's a gift.
For the boy version, I'm DEFINITELY not doing a pieced back along the lines of the first one.
I love the crosses on the back, but it was a b*tch and a half to try to get them to line up in my tiny tiny basting area.
Other projects:
I'm working on a quilt for the 100 quilts for kids. When it's done, this one will go to Project Linus.

I've selected some Wrenly for a Xmas present.

The Pirate helped me assemble this shelf thingie from Target over the weekend.

Now my fabric has a place to live....and the guest room is in theory usable.
(I still have a bunch of stuff to stuff in the closet should there be an actual guest.)
Still not done:
Skill Builder block
no progress on Hoopla
quilt for dance partner (layout done...sewing yet to begin)
Haven't decided yet on design for Pouch swap