How does that translate?
They collect art, and, art collections aside, their home is fabulous.
Right now, mine is just a mess.
But since the quilting bug bit hard this summer, I thought about making dad a quilt, a sofa sized one to curl up with.
See, he likes to nap on the sofa, usually sitting up.
But he claims he's just "resting his eyes."
I asked him what his favorite colors were to look at.
Interestingly enough, he picked my favorites: reds and purples.
I decided on some batiks and tried to decide what else to add to the mix.
It came down to a rich, fall palette....golds, reds, burgundies, and purples.
My favorites.

I'm going to have a hard time parting with this one.

It also seemed a fitting submission to Celebrate Color over at Stitched In Color.
Wish me luck. Dad's gonna love it regardless.