Friday, I got to go to Folkfest with the hubs and one of my bestest friends. I didn't buy anything, but I ogled lots of vintage quilts.
Saturday, we were going to go to the Piedmont Arts Festival, but it was kind of gross out. So, I sewed on my string quilt instead. God, those blocks were endless. I don't know how I thought I had more done. Turns out I needed 48 blocks. Anywho. We went out to dinner at Cakes and Ale Sat. I cannot recommend them enough. It will definitely be our go to special dinner location. They were amazing about my food allergies. Their desserts were fantabulous.
Sunday was more sewing...and cupcakes. Mmmmm. Camicakes.
Today, my actual birthday, I got lots of texts and phone calls. I had to be at school. (Actual teaching starts tomorrow.) I got to see old students coming in for 7th grade orientation and a few new ones. I got to pick my choice for dinner tonight. The Hubs made pretzel rolls yesterday. I had a bacon cheeseburger with hot peppers on a pretzel roll. Up next, chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes and ice cream. Mmmm. So going back to the diet tomorrow.
Things I have done as of late:
I have now tied the string block quilt. It still needs binding. I'm going to keep it as a car quilt as the tension went off somewhere and I'm not sure I trust it to stay together.

I dip dyed my hair. It was intended to be purple and red ombre, but it came out kind of reddish magenta-y. I'm going to have to do it fairly frequently. I love it. (Thank you, Terri, aka sew-fantastic on Instagram!)
I'm also addicted to watching Dr. Who again.
I haven't gotten to Torchwood yet.
Oh, and I may be 39....yup, 39, but I'm really really proud that I am in better shape weight/health-wise than I've been in a decade. So, Yay! I'm off to eat that cupcake now.