Okay, so I'm living large in the world of lists. In that regard, I'm a legend in my own head.
My sewing room is like a Tardis. It's bigger on the inside. Seriously, I come from a line of stuffers/hoarders. I have an insane amount of projects...and supplies. I need to get a handle on that this year. Or sew faster. One of the two.
So, anyway, here's the list:
1. Bess top. I cut it for the Selfish Sewing week, which turned out to be the week from hell. So, it didn't get finished because I ran out of bias tape. It will. Early on. In time for cooler weather so I can wear it.

2. Divided basket for me. Ditto on the Selfish Sewing week original plan. Cut following the making of a basket for a BFF having a babe. Never finished it.

3. Penny Sampler Quilt. I'm still on track to finish this one before Christmas.

4. Sisters 10 Modern BOM quilt. One more block to be released and then I can finish the top and quilt it!

5. Wellspring quilt. I made one for the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild donation to the house. I needed to get batting from the Guild to finish it. On tap for the Oct meeting.

6. Postage Stamp Top #1. Made when I cleaned out my scrap bin.

7. Postage Stamp Top #2. Made after #1 when I realized my scrap bin apparently is also like a Tardis.

8. Wonky Star Quilt. I have a baby this one needs to be for...so I need to get inspired.

9. Hexy MF. Seriously, this one needs to be done. And sent away to come back and be bound.

10. Space quilt. I have to get this one done for the aforementioned mama of the babe that is coming for whom I made the divided basket. I inherited a block from Katy at The Littlest Thistle. It is so so perfect, as her nursery themes involve robots and rockets.

11. Retro Rubies...will only get done if I'm in the mood for curves. Who knows?!

12. Converging Corners. It either gets done this session or it finds a new home.

13. NY Beauty Orphan Block project

14. Bag out of 2 churn dash orphan blocks.

15. Churn Dash quilt..Started during The Penny Sampler class.

16. Meridian Cardi #1

17. Meridian Cardi #2

18. Hexy Diamond quilt. Realistically, this is not going to get done as it's my long term hand sewing project. I'm just including it to get it on the master list.

19. Marcelle Medallion quilt. I petered out before the Flying Geese section. Need to make this one happen.

20. Improv Malka quilt

21. Heal Circle Quilt. (I'm the quilter for September....just waiting for the blocks to come in.)

(picture from Emily, used with permission)
22. Madison's Senior Quilt. This one may carry over to next year, as it's a graduation present. I'm using 3x6 blocks for this one.

23. Pouch for Alicia

24. Pouch for Trollop

25. Pouch for G.

26. Pouch for Mom

27. Pouch for Karen

28. Secret gift pouch #1

29. Secret gift pouch #2

30. Train Case Makeover

31. Octopus pillow case for me (I made 2 before, but the one for me is upside down. I've gotten new fabric to redo it.) In the photo, it's the failed one. I'll be making another one, one with the octopi upright, with the cuff on the right.

32. Sidekick Bag (Yup, I wrecked my most lately used 241. I need a new bag.) I bought fabric for it a while back when Marla and I shopped.

Yeah. It's an insane list. But I think I can make a considerable dent. Plus, um, there's the pressure of a deadline with the Christmas gift make-age.
Goals for this weekend:
Pin baste like MOFO....the Malka improv quilt, the two postage stamps, the Wellspring, the Sisters 10, and the Churn Dash....Of course, that means I have to finish the Churn Dash mini first.
Also, cut fabric for the first Meridian....finish the divided basket and maybe the Bess top.