Also, let me apologize for some of my crappy phone pics. I've been having trouble with iphoto when I try to upload pics to my folders. So, I had to reshoot some of these because the ones on my camera show up as black boxes. Blarg.
Anway, back to the UFOs. I figure, I'll get at least part of them done. And, this way, I'll have my list all in one place.
So, here goes my insane list of UFOs, with appropriate photo documentation.
1. Postage Stamp quilt. This one has been lingering for at least one, maybe two quarters. I now have an idea of what I'm going to do with this one. It will probably be heading over to either Project Linus or a quilt drive for the wildfires.

2. Red, Black, and White/Grey quilt. It's been living in a snap frame for longer than is good for it. I had decided to hand quilt it, and it's trapped in quilting limbo. It needs to get done.

3. The Stained Quilt. This poor top has been lingering since the QAL ended. I want it to be done. I really love it. And I'm scared of ruining it. I need to woman up (or maybe Chelsea will pick me) and finish it.

4. The Tree Quilt. I was in a swap with the Misfit quilters. My trees have arrived. Now I need to make the quilt.

5. The Pirate's apron. It finally made it to the "cut out" phase, but it's been sitting in a bag unfinished. My fiance is incredibly patient, since this was originally intended as a Valentine's present, then an anniversary, then a bday present...and all of those dates are LONG past.

6. My Soda Pop quilt. I've gotten as far as the background top and stalled out on tracing and cutting all those petals.

7. The Hexy MF quilt. I've got stacks and stacks of hexies basted. I need to not fade out and finish it.

8. The Across the Sea boy quilt. It's been living in a box. I need to finish it and find a friend's boy who needs a quilt. It's gotta be someone special as I've used up my blue 1001 peeps on it.

9. Hexy Bag. I started this with Rachel's hand stitched class and then postponed finishing it because the other paper piecing took me longer than I thought it would.

10. Snail bag. I finished the paper piecing and have the pieces of the bag, but haven't sewn it all up yet.

11. Medallion quilt. It's in process. I've stalled out for the moment on the paper piecing.

12. Red Wonky stars. I collected these for the Sew Bee Blissful quilting bee. I need to make the few that went AWOL and sew it all up.

13. Green and Blue quilt. I've been collecting blocks from the 4x5, 3x6, and Nubees to make the fiance a quilt. It now needs to happen.

14. Do.Good.Quilt. I was the quilter for June. I have to make a few missing blocks and sew that puppy up for delivery.

15. Coaster Set. Another Hand stitching project that fizzled because the embroidery on the Medallion Quilt took me longer than I thought it would.

16. Dog bed #1. Stinky needs him a new bed. The old one is kinda gross. I promised him one in winter, and I have all the supplies taking up space.

17. Dog bed #2. He needs a second one because Kraken steals his...and he likes to sleep upstairs and downstairs. Ditto on the supplies still living in a bag.

18. Quilt for B. I was gifted some Ghastlies to make a quilt for a friend in the in vitro process. This one is a priority finish. I started a few framing blocks, but haven't gotten further.

19. Converging Corners quilt. I started this as a baby quilt with a bundle I couldn't figure out what else to do with (Thanks, Allegory, for suggesting this one!)...and I was procrastinating on another project to start this one.

20. Orange and Purple quilt. I'm not sure I have enough blocks to finish this one. If not, I hope to get it a bit further along this round.

21. Swoon. I don't think I have it in me right now to do a whole quilt yet. I have a stack of stash saved for one, but this is a solo block. I think it needs to be made into a mini or a pillow.

22. Table Runner for R. This has to be done before Thanksgiving anyway...

23. Secret project for Sept. (I'm ok if this one doesn't count. Someone special asked me to help out on a very special cause...and I'm glad to help!)
Add to this list bee blocks for a BUNCH of bees, at least one other QAL I've joined, and more blocks for the Heal circle...and I know there will be more...and it's likely whatever doesn't get done this quarter will roll into the next. Plus, I have a bunch of Christmas projects to put in here as well as more work for Rachel's hand sewing, wish me luck.
Me and my new machine (yes, crap grammar, I know) got a LOT of work to do.
Go ahead and laugh at my list...I know I am.