I mostly sewed...tried to keep The Pirate hydrated.
Ironically, I didn't get his orange bag done. It will get done this week.
Because a certain Quilter in the Gap *Cough* mentioned that I was behind, I kicked it into high gear this weekend.
I quilted and bound Vintage 1 and 2. They are in the wash right now, so I haven't gotten pics of them yet.
I finished the Sew. Happy. I have to repair a pop in the binding and then I'll take a whole quilt shot. Here's a teaser:

I am caught up on the Cosmic Burst/My Precious QAL:

I pondered trying to figure out the missing bits so I could finish it, but I was also feeling a bit icky, so I thought better of the maths.
I did Sew Bee Blissful blocks for April:

I started sewing up sections of my Prayer Flag quilt. It's not for me. I'm going to finish it up and send it on its way.

I basted my Red, Grey, and Black Bee block quilt. It took a bit of wrangling because it's wider than I usually deal with.

*cough* I'm thinking of hand quilting this one, too. What?! You say. S'true. I don't want to straight line this one.
I bought thread to mess with the Stained Quilt. I'm pondering straight lining it since I don't know how to FMQ....yet.
I put together my first Skill Builder play quilt.

I ran out of Coral...so it's a bit smaller than I had originally envisioned.
There was also fabulousness!
My Pretty Little Pouch swap item arrived.
*cue Choir of Angels*
I was so so excited. This one was one of my favorites in the photostream, but I didn't think it would be mine.

Val from http://dayinthelifeofval.blogspot.com/ had me. She does amazing work. Thanks, Val!
Also....drumroll... I won an ipad. Yes. An ipad. Long story, I entered a contest, didn't have the winning number. Apparently no one did, so they did a random drawing. I won! I got the letter on April Fool's Day, so it took me a lot of research to trust the letter. Just picked it late last week. I'm still getting to know George, or Jorge, as I call him.
Lily's Quilts recommended Touchdraw, so it's one of the first apps I've purchased. So exciting! Look forward to me learning how to post from the blog from it.
Finish A Long update:
Done for Q2:
Sew. Happy. Quilt. quilted and bound!
Vintage 1. quilted and bound!
Vintage 2. quilted and bound!
and much progress on Skill builder, Red, Grey and Black, and Prayer Flag quilts.
Hope you all had fabulous weekends!