It's been a crazy week with my students.
Conferences have started.
I'm gearing up for 2 dance shows.
Today, we went to the zoo. I got to feed an elephant!
I finished my pincushion package for my Sewn Spaces Swap.
It's wending its way to my partner tomorrow.

I made my first stocking for Stockings for Kids.

I have more Xmassy (yes, that's a word in my world) fabric left, so I am going to try to make a couple more.
I got bee block fabric from a New Bee on the Block member.
Weekend "to do" list:
Prep for conferences
Powerpoint for a presentation
New Bee Block
Skill Builder crazy quilt block
Skill Builder paper piecing block
Purchase makeup/food for student showcase
Cut up charm squares for 3 swaps
Finish cutting squares for Dead Simple QAL