My original list was here.
I've finished the following:
1. peacock pics and kids took them home
2. Hedwig costume..ditto
3. Costume sashes

4. Zelda quilt

5. #droidqal quilt

6. red/purple quilt

7. Serenity circle quilt

8. knitting bag/pouch

9. Moda building blocks

10. Mineral quilt (still needs pics)
11. AMH improv quilt (still needs pics)
12. Mystery Medallion with Karie (now a pillow!)

13. pincushion!

14. Hexy diamond
progress made:
epic sampler
who tank 1
who tank 2
1. pennant scarf

2. alluvial plain shawl

3. gradient shawl

4. bowties are cool MKAL

5. hedwig hat..gave it to child before I apparently took a photo.
6. stag hat

7. Reyna shawl

8. felted shawl (pics still needed)
9. doodler, version 1.0

10. Muppet Doodler

Total finishes so far: 23...with 1 pending, pics needs on 3 (in terms of pics still possible)
Linking up!