Here's what is now done: (apologies for night time photo taking)
7 ipad sleeves for Remember September

10 in blocks cut for B/W sewing summit swap
10 in text fabric cut for Big Ten Inch Swap
AMH charms cut for swap
Rainbow charms for Sewing Summit swap cut
Orange and Purple quilt

Modern Medallion quilt

Wonky Stars (aka the Condiment quilt)'s currently in the wash, so pics tomorrow.
I've got 2 more finishes aimed for this weekend...the postage stamp quilt and the coaster set.
I still need to make the Ghastlies top for B, but I'm trying to decide how to finish it.
I think I'm tabling the Hexy MF and the converging corners quilt, but any way you slice it, hitting at least 20 in one FAL quarter is pretty damn good.
I'll be linking up some quilts for 100 quilts for kids as I'm doing a drop off for Project Linus this week.
edit: pic of condiment quilt added.