It was a wee bit crazy as weeks go.
The dog hurt his back, which resulted in me almost having a breakdown. (The dog is neither allowed to be injured or die. I have so decreed it...It might also be noted that the first task on the list when we win the lottery is to clone the dog. Like I said, I don't really like all dogs, just this one.)
Add to that, our parking lot got torn up and I couldn't get answers about the schedule of when...which added to the freaking out over the dog and how I was possibly going to carry him several blocks to a car.
Blarg. So, my sewing was on hold until this past weekend. When I played catchup.
Didn't finish my whole list but got a bunch done.
I finished my Swoon mini:

I caught up on my How Far Will You Go? QAL blocks. (GOD, I LOVE THESE.)

I sewed together my Sew Intertwined blocks. I also have the back and the binding done. Now...just to find some time to baste and quilt it. Maybe in October?

I finished my Sailor Mouth swap items, but I'm only including a pic of one of the items in case my partner is reading my blog.

I also started hand quilting my Modern Medallion quilt. I'm trying to get that done this week. (At least through to the orange peel stage.) No pics of that, though.
Other random updates!
I am addicted to refrigerator oats.
I've lost (according to Weightwatchers) 10 lbs. (which is actually more like 12.)
I finally took pics of this finished quilt: