Unsurprisingly, it stopped doing what it was doing wrong when I brought it in.
Since the quilt is basted and all, I'm going to try to get some of it quilted tomorrow after work.
Because I couldn't use the machine yesterday, I decided to work on two other projects on my list.
I tackled the red, black and grey quilt, since it's been sitting untouched since April.

It's done! And in the wash with the rest of the box of color catchers. *is praying it was enough*
I also have the Modern Medallion quilt done up to the large borders and the binding is on it. That's on my to do list this week as well.
So, to recap, goals for this week:
1. Medallion quilt
2. Orange/Purple quilt
3. The Pirate's Apron (I had fully intended to get it done today, but the 2 hour round trip to the shop ate that time.)
4. Catch up on bee blocks.
5. Catch up on How Far Will you Go? QAL blocks.
oh, yeah...all that and Zumba, designing a process drama for my classroom, and regular work. Eep.