I first blogged my goals for the first quarter FAL here.
My goals were lofty. I have A LOT of UFOs. I suffer from "OOOO, shiny" syndrome. I like to start stuff that I don't always finish. Honestly, it was starting to get to me. So, I posted almost all of them. 33, to be exact.
Here's the status of each and every one of the original list. I've got a few new ones to add for Quarter Two.
1. How Far Will You Go Quilt DONE
I love love love this quilt.

2. Tula Skirt--on hold. The spider skirt is too tight right now. I have to lose the 7lbs I put back on stress eating before I commit to the smaller size. Tula is too loved to cut up and not be able to wear.
3. Spider Skirt, DONE, coming in part 2. Still have to photograph it.
4. Malka Quilt DONE

5. Rainbow Skillbuilder Block quilt DONE

6. Rolling pink/grey quilt DONE. Headed to its new home right now.

7. Halloween spider web quilt. Still waiting for some bee blocks to come back. Currently on hold for Quarter 2.
8. Scrap Vomit #1. DONE. I use this one A LOT.

9. Scrap Vomit #2, coming in Part 2. I have to finish sewing on the binding today.
10. Superhero EPP pillow, DONE, coming in Part 2. I haven't uploaded its pic yet.
It's a tooth fairy pillow going to a son of the Pirate's best woman.
11. Scrap vomit pillow #1. DONE

12. Scrap vomit pillow #2. DONE

13. Mystery Quilt DONE

14. Hexy MF, on hold. I'm going to work on it some this week, but it's SLOW.
15. Project Linus Monster quilt DONE

16. Black, white, and color quilt DONE

17. Postage Stamp quilt DONE

18. Converging Corners quilt- On hold til Quarter 2. So kind of not feeling this one so much.
19. Project Linus Monkey quilt DONE

20. Hope Valley bag DONE

21. Christmas bunting DONE

22. String Blocks quilt DONE

23. Project using Star Block, may or may not finish this one tonight or tomorrow. All the pieces are cut.
24. Sewing Summit Mini, on hold til Quarter 2.
25. Madrona Secret challenge DONE

26. 80s block project DONE

27. fix Pirate's apron DONE

28. AMH belt DONE

29. Mom's quilt, on hold. THIS THING IS HUGE. I need to baste and quilt it. STILL.
30. Khaki/burgundy Project Linus quilt DONE

31. Blue squares Project Linus Quilt DONE

32. HST Project Linus Quilt, top is done. May or may not quilt it today or tomorrow.
33. Green Journal DONE

TOTALLY DONE (as of this second): 24
Maybe done today: 2