I put off of posting my quilt because I actually had another quilt in mind, but I couldn't get it done in time.
Here's the one I picked. I dug into my beloved stash of Parisville to make this one. I really really love it. Over the summer, I took Rachel's Handstitched class over at Stitched in Color.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an uber patient person.
I like things to be done...and hand quilting takes a lot of patience. This was, in fact, the first (but not the last) quilt that combined both hand quilting and embroidery. It wasn't fast, but I'm really happy with the results.

I did my first EPP and embroidery on a quilt:

Lots and lots of hand quilting with perle:

Even some applique!
I felt like I had a huge learning curve on this one....but I have major quilty love...and I hope, more patience? Well, maybe not. But I'd do it again....and this one is all mine.

Blogger’s Quilt Festival Stats
Finished quilt measures : 60″x 60″
Special techniques used : paper piecing, applique, hand quilting
Quilted by : me
Best Category : throw quilt, hand quilted quilt