You made a starter blocks, and then you sent it off.
Each month, a block would come from someone in your group, you'd add to it and send it off.
Now the final blocks have come back.
I started out with an improv block.

After many moons, this cool piece came back to me:

I haven't decided how I'm going to quilt it yet. I think it's going to stay a mini.
It was added to by the following amazing ladies:
I keep having to steal it from the cat, who has given its presence her blessing. I sent it out with a little book for everyone to write a bit in. It's a cool momento of every place it traveled and the ladies who added to it!
Tomorrow, I'll have a post up about one of my quilts. It has a new home.
When the sun came out, I got a much better picture of the do.good stitches quilt for the Heal circle.

I had to share those because my indoor pics weren't fab.
Also, this weekend, I've been making stockings. 15 to be exact. Seven are going to Operation Christmas Stocking. Eight are going to Hopeful Threads to be given to kids in Children's Hospitals.

What have you all been up to this weekend?