If you click on the pic, you can steal the html code for you blog...I'm still learning how to post a button.
Inspired by Jennifer over at Ellison Lane Quilts and kind of obsessed with black, white, and grey right now, I thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to join in a swap.
Here's the skinny.
First let me apologize profusely for making this a domestic/US swap only this first round. I need to work out some of the logistics for an international one, and I want to have this one mailed out before the holidays, so...I apologize to any and all of my international peeps who wanted in on this.
That said, if you are interested in joining the swap and receiving in return 56 charms (2 of 28 different fabrics).
Post sign up and email of confirmation, follow these steps.
Step One:
Steal the blog button at the top for your blog. Join the flickr group.
Step Two:
Each participant (there will be 27 spaces) will purchase a yard (good idea to get a little bit extra) of quilt store quality 100% cotton fabric (No Joann's, Hancock's or Michael's please) in the assigned base color. Post fabric pics on flickr to avoid duplication. Fabric must be new and unwashed and must come from a smoke free environment.
Step Three:
Press your fabric. Cut the fabric into 56 charm (5x5 inch) squares.
A fabulous tutorial can be found here by Elizabeth Hartman.
Step Four:
Please place the charms in a sealed Ziploc bag with an index card, on which is written your name and as much fabric info as possible.
Step Five:
Mail the charms along with a SASE to the swap sorter by the deadline (Nov. 15).
Step Six:
Wait as patiently as possible to get the charms back. (I'll mail them as fast as possible, ideally a week, after I receive them all.)
Step Seven:
Do a little happy dance and then update that you have received your package on the sent/received list on flickr. Post pics of the items you make with the charms.
Iffen this all works as planned, there will be a larger, international scale swap in March.