Keeping the whole "list it all" method. I know the summer is kind of winding down for me. No idea what the group I'll have in the fall will be like, so no real concept of what I can and can't get done. I am not crazy enough to assume I'll come close to finishing it all, but I like having all the projects already in play written down in one place.
Sewing Projects:
1. Hexy MF--going to finish this in July and send it off to be long armed. (Also my ALYOF July goal)

2. Marcelle Medallion--I need to make at least some progress on this one.

3. Tear Drop quilt--starting Long Arm budget for this one. I'd like to get all the pieces ready to mail off.

4. Hexy Diamonds--this is kind of a long term project.

5. Sidekick bag-version 2. I think it will match the 1st but maybe have a blue lining instead of the orange.

6. Meridian #2--starting in Sept when it's cooler

7. Tula Sampler--I have 43 blocks cut, but I only have sewn 5.

8. Black/White/Color quilt..I have all the blocks, I think. I need to find some sashing I like still. This one might end up being a 100 quilts for kids quilt.

9. Gypsy Wife--I have 2 months of the QAL done, but I really need to catch up.

10. 5 Needlebooks..I need to finish these and mail them off to the folks I've promised them to. I already have envelopes addressed and ready.

11. Journal covers..I need to finish these. I'm thinking these may be sewn and saved for holiday gifties.

12. Bitty Broken Star Lonestar baby quilt..I want to get this one done in July/Aug.

13. L's quilt--It's going to be a Nested Churndash! This one is a priority to finish in July.

14. Converging Corners--this may become something other than a quilt.

15. Wellspring Sampler..Also needs to be done in July/Aug. I want to give the 2 quilts (one done, this one the 2nd) to be delivered ideally in Aug to the Guild.

16. Heal Circle quilt (Aqua and Coral)..still waiting on blocks.

17. Knitting bags..I want to have a few done to gift to my knitting kids in the fall.

18. Reversible Box Tote..I've been saving the monsters for some awesomeness. I'm trying to make finishing my knitting stuff more fun.

19. Dr Who embroidery sampler..I may hold off this as a bday present to myself to start.

20. EPP orphan from Katy..I think this may be a bag.

21. Christmas Star...I planned on doing this one last year. Um..yeah.

22. Placemats..these will go to Meals on Wheels. Need to get some done!

23. Crazy Twisted QAYG...all the pieces should be coming home soon.

24. Catvent quilt (scrap buster)

25. Modern Medallion

26. Steampunk quilt

Knitting Projects
1. Peacock mittens

2. Central Park hoodie..I'd like to have this done this fall.

3. Pastel Hitchhiker

4. Leaf sock..so need to find the pattern.

5. blue sweater

6. Icarus shawl

7. yoda hat...I need to figure out the ears.

8. Cable scarf..finally relocated the pattern.

9. Black Cardigan...just needs to be sewn up. I hate that part.

10. Socks Scraps blanket...this is a VERY long term project. I have one section out of like 5 done.

11. Grey vest...just needs side seaming and thread burying.

Um...yeah 37. We'll see!